Best Time to Post on Social Media for Enterprise

Best Time to Post on Social Media for Enterprise
Jun 24,2016          Digital Marketing          Be the first person to comment

You have crafted a perfect post for the business page of a social media network, proofread it, highlighted keywords, optimized the image, counted characters and did everything that makes it outstanding and engaging. Now, you have published the post and waiting for the clicks, likes, and comments. Sorry, the “Like” and “Share” numbers are much below your expectation. So what went wrong?

Maybe you were following the best practices of social media, but the time of posting the content on the business page was not right.

The Science of Time

Just like the highways of your city, different social media networks also have their specific rush hours . Posting the content during these rush hours ensures that your content will reach a wide audience. Planning the best time for posting a content on the social media network will fetch you more traffic , ensure greater engagement of audiences and increase in numbers of followers . There is absolutely no point of posting the content in the low traffic time and wasting the effort. The right time makes the difference between engaging the target audience and not doing so.

However, the best time depends on a gamut of factors like the nature of information, target audience, target region, social media platform that you have chosen and how audiences interact with these platforms. For instance, if your audience is located in the United States, it will be wise to combine Central and Eastern Time Zone as almost 80 percent population uses this. Knowing the target audience and their location is an integral part of the buyer persona analysis.

Perfect time to post on Social media platforms

Each social media platform be it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Google+ has individual characteristics. The high-traffic hours for each also differs. So, it is wise for Corporates to have a well-documented Social Media Strategy based on the best practices of your industry, profile of the target audience and analytics data on the behavior of users.

To engage better with the target audience you have to post content on social media platforms at different times of the day. Maintaining a schedule for posting the content will prove to be effective. Various research has highlighted the appropriate time, day and worst time, day for posting content on social media platforms.

Social Media: What is the best time of day to post?

Source: Visually.

Best time to post on Facebook

A business page on Facebook increases the exposure of enterprise. It is effective in gathering leads and building brand loyalty. Posting attractive and informative content consistently adds value to the life of target audiences. Businesses use the Facebook page to attract traffic to the website. A post on Facebook speaks about your brand and informs the target audience about the products/services.

Best time – 1pm to 4pm for optimal engagement

Best Day- On Thursday and Friday engagement of users is 18 percent higher on these days. Wednesday is the best day of posting.

Worst Time- 8pm to 8am

Day(s) to Avoid- Weekends

Best time to Tweet on Twitter

Businesses use Twitter to connect with the customers and promote the brand. In case, you have unsatisfied customers, you can hear them on the Twitter. Listening to the feedbacks and complaints will help the brand in future to perform well. It is an important part of the marketing mix. Twitter helps in increasing the sale and profit percentage. Worth mentioning in this regard is Dell who had increased their revenue through the use of Twitter.

Best time – 1pm to 3pm, maximum retweets at 5 pm

Best Day- Monday to Thursday

Worst Time- after 8pm

Day(s) to Avoid- Friday

LinkedIn Post Time

The LinkedIn company page provides information about the company to the target market. Followers of this page can keep a track of the company- announcements and updates. The page lets the companies showcase their product/services and improve the visibility of the brand. Businesses can add content, videos to inform the audiences and there is also an option of recommendation.

Best time – 7 am to 9am and 5pm to 6pm

Best Day- Tuesday to Thursday

Worst Time- 10 pm to 6 am

Day(s) to Avoid- Monday and Friday


The Pinterest Business Account is an important part of the Social media marketing strategy of any Corporate. The pins that you post on this website leads the user to the website. You can track the boards, pins that attract more audience to the website.

Best time – 2pm to 4pm and 8pm to 11pm

Best Day- Saturday

Worst Time- 5pm to 7pm

Day(s) to Avoid- Every day in late afternoon


Google+ attracts traffic from Google and makes the web content more visible. The posts on these social media platforms appear in the Search Engine Result Page. Creating a network on the Google+ increases the probability of a content to be discovered through the Google search. So, if you want more traffic from Google then Google+ is a must.

Best time – 9am to 11am

Best Day- Weekdays

Worst Time- 6pm to 8 am

Day(s) to Avoid- Any day post evening

Have a look of the Best Day & Best Time to Post on Social Media

BestTime for Social Media by imorphosis_Infographic

Source : Quicksprout

Identify the right time and adapt it soon

It is important for the businesses to analyze which is the Best time to Post on Social Media platforms. In-depth research and rounds of trials will help in identifying the ideal time for posting content on social media networks. However, it is important to remember that the behavior habit of social media users might change over time and businesses need to adjust to the changing pattern.

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